Dojo Etiquette
Being respectful to ourselves and to each other is a vital part of karate. It is also part of the dojo kun. Here are some points on being respectful in the dojo.
- Treat everyone with respect and dignity
- Shoes should be removed before entering the dojo
- Practice good personal hygiene
- Ensure your gi is clean and washed regularly
- Keep fingernails and toenails short to prevent hurting yourself or training partners
- Remove jewellery or cover it up before the lesson to prevent hurting yourself or training partners
- Tie long hair back
- As you enter/leave, bow with both feet together
- Try your best
- Refrain from foul language and violence
- Refer to your teacher as Sensei, never by their name alone
- Using sensei as a title before or after the first/last name is also acceptable e.g. Sensei Simon or Apen-Sadler Sensei
- If late, warm up if possible without interfering with the class and kneel at the edge of the dojo where the instructor can see you. You will be invited to join the class when it is safe to do so.
- Never just join in a class without permission - this could be dangerous, and is also disrespectful
- Help your senior grades / instructor(s)
- Example - If you see a senior grade sweeping the floor before the lesson, offer to help
- Help keep the dojo neat, clean and tidy