Kihon kata, also known as Taikyoku Shodan, is the first kata and consists of 20 moves with a kiaia on move 8 and 16. Moves 9 and 17 are particuarly complex as they involve a 270 degree turn.
kHeian Shodan, similar in shape to heian shodan consists of 21 moves with a kiai on move 9 and 17. This kata introduces shuto uke and kokutsu dachi.
Heian Nidan, the second of the heian kata, consists of 26 moves, with kiai on moves 11 and 26. This kata introduces mae-geri and uchi uke.
Heian Sandan is the third and shortest heian kata consists of only 20 moves with kiai on moves 10 and 20. This kata introduces kiba dachi.
Heian Yondan is the 4th heian kata and consists of 27 moves with kiai on moves 13 and 25. This kata introduces changes of speed including both fast and slow movements.
Heian Godan conists of 23 moves with kiai on moves 12 and 19. This kata introduces more complex techniques incluing manji uke.