I'll be extending lessons beyond 4th September - I have the hall booked until 13th November. Note that some sessions I only have half the hall booked, so there will be limited space, and I'll ask you to pre-book. I'll update the upcoming training sessions on the website shortly, so please check that out. There'll also be updates on the Facebook page and group closer to the time.
I'm also looking to convert the club into a unincorporated non-profit, so if anyone would like to volunteer to help with the running of the club please get in touch. I currently have 3 volunteers including myself, so I have enough to get it up and running, after which I can apply for community funding to help grow the club.
In tonight's session we started off with the kihon, kumite and kata requirements for the first grading. We start with kihon (basic techniques): chudan oi zuki (middle level stepping punch), age uke (rising block), soto uke (outside block) and mae geri (front kick). We then moved on to kumite (sparring): jodan and chudan sanbon kumite (3 step sparring). Finally we performed the first kata, kihon kata.
We also covered the second kata, Heian Shodan, which is very similar. We broke down some of the new techniques before starting: back stance (kokutsu dachi), sword hand block (shuto uke), and tettsui (hammer first).