Northstowe Karate Club



We practiced jodan attacks and defence this lesson, practicing oi zuki and age uke as kihon and then used these techniques in sanbon kumite, finishing off with Kihon kata.

Grading details

Gradings are a good way to see your progress and are an exam for your next belt. They are optional but recommended. The next grading will be at Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre in Cambridge, approx. 1pm to 6pm (timings to be confirmed) and includes a training session. The cost will be ~£25 and includes an hour of training. You can also just train for around £15. The grading itself will be <15mins but due to the high number of students grading it takes a long time. Grading fees will be due in early December. I will let you know how to pay closer to the date.

I expect a lot of you will want to grade. However, this will depend on your progress and number of lessons you attend. I won't put you forward if I don't think you're ready as I don't want to set you up for failure. Please let me know if you're interested in grading so I can help you prepare. There will be a mock grading in the lessons for late November.

I'd recommend 10-15 hours of training for your first grading. The more you train the better your chances. Practicing at home helps too!