We went back to basics practicing, choku zuki (straight punch), oi zuki (stepping punch) and soto uke (outside block).
We started off with straight punch, practicing kime - relaxing throughout the technique so that we can move quickly, tensing at the end and immediately relaxing to generate power. This instantaneous tensing then relaxing is kime.
We then moved on to front stance, stepping punch and outside block. Kime applies to all techniques, including these ones.
We then partnered up and practiced blocking each others punches using outside block to deflect the punches. Kime is used here too!
We then went through kihon kata, the first of the kata. Kime applies to kata too!
Kihon, kumite and kata make up the foundations of karate, and tonight we practiced all 3. You can find out more about lessons formats on our What to Expect page
Karate begins and ends with courtesy. We start and finish each lesson by bowing to the shomen (front), the teacher and each other. We'll also start reciting the dojo kun - the 5 precepts of the dojo from next week.